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Today is your last day to register for VRDC Fall 2017 at the lowest price!

Virtual Reality Developers Conference organizers want to get the word out that the price of registering for VRDC Fall 2017 will increase tonight, Wednesday, July 26th at 11:59 PM Pacific! 

This is important because if you're thinking about attending, you should register now at a discounted rate to save up to $400!

Attending VRDC Fall 2017 is important because it's one of the premier places to learn from (and hang out with) the movers and shakers who are working on the cutting edge of VR, AR, and MR development.

When you register you'll be securing access to a very special two‐day event that will bring together experts from multiple industries to share best practices, demo new technology, create new business partnerships, and exchange ideas with innovators shaping the industry.

VRDC Fall covers VR, AR, and MR innovation across all industries (setting it apart from VRDC@GDC, which focuses exclusively on games and entertainment) with previous sessions covering applications for healthcare,  training, retail & events, data visualization, documentaries, brand storytelling, and more.

For example, Aldis Sipolins, head of VR and game design at IBM Research, will be there to deliver a VRDC Fall 2017 talk on "Why Virtual Reality and Machine Learning are Good for Science."

Check out this talk to get your first look at cutting-edge research using machine learning to enhance memory in VR. Subjects play a color memory game while sensors (brain activity, eye-tracking, heartrate) record data, and personalized machine learning models use this sensor data to predict memory. A follow-up study seeks to enhance memory in real-time and uncover the neural signature of presence.

Sipolins is a leader in the field, and his talk will cover the basics of machine learning, cognitive neuroscience, and the psychology of presence as they apply to VR. Don't miss it!

Plus, a number of folks who worked on the remarkable Google Earth VR will be speaking at VRDC Fall 2017 about how they designed a comfortable, intuitive interface people can use to navigate the entire world in VR. In their talk on "UX in Google Earth VR", Google UX lead Adam Glazier and Google engineers Nadav Ashkenazi and Per Karlsson will discuss the work of building an interface that allows you to virtually circumnavigate the globe by flying, dragging, rotating, teleporting and searching.

To maintain usability, immersion and comfort, each navigation mode went through rounds of iteration and user testing -- this talk pulls the lid off the UX insights and implementation details that helped make or break each mode of navigation.

And you won't want to miss all the stuff there is to see and do at VRDC Fall 2017 besides the talks! The opening night reception, which takes place Thursday, September 21st from 6 to 8 PM. You'll join fellow attendees, advisors, and speakers to celebrate the kickoff of VRDC Fall 2017 by relaxing, mixing and mingling with the best and brightest minds in the VR/AR community to discuss emerging development trends.

Here's a few snapshots from last year's event:

So head over to the VRDC website now and register to attend the conference, which will feature a plethora of great VR/AR talks spanning games, entertainment, and beyond into subjects such as healthcare, journalism, travel, manufacturing, retail, live events, real estate, training, and so much more.

This will be the second standalone VRDC event, following the strikingly successful debut of VRDC as a sibling conference to GDC 2016 and its evolution into a standalone show. After selling out of tickets for the first three events, VRDC Fall 2017 will offer more sessions, moving to a bigger location at the Hilton Union Square in San Francisco, CA September 21-22.

For more information on VRDC Fall 2017, visit the show's official website and subscribe to regular updates via Twitter and Facebook.


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